Now Seeking a Pastor
Pastor Job Description
Greater Saint John Missionary Baptist Church
Opening Date: October 1, 2024
Closing Date: November 30, 2024
The Vision Statement
Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church (GSJMBC) located in Nashville, Tn is a loving church that promotes spirituality by the following: Commitment to Christ, Commitment to Church, Commitment to Ministry.
Greater St. John History
St. John Missionary Baptist Church of Jones Lane was organized in 1879 under the leadership of Reverend Harrison Harding. On May 15, 1927, St. John Missionary Baptist Church moved to 408 12th Ave. North, Nashville, Tn. The church’s name was later changed to Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church between 1927-1959 under the leadership of Reverend Samuel Henry Simpson.
In 1995, a vision was given to the Pastor at that time, Pastor Herbert T. Brown, to purchase land on the corner of 26th Ave. North and Clarksville Hwy. for the construction of a new church. After 121 years of existence, St. John Missionary Baptist Church, later known as Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church, under the leadership of Pastor Brown, former Chairman of Deacons-Terry Dickerson, former Chairman of Trustees-William (Billy) Hailey III, along with the Deacons, Mothers, and Trustees led the congregation into our new establishment. In the history of 145 years, there have been only eight Pastors to serve.
Position Summary
GSJMBC is seeking a Pastor who will lead, feed, and nurture our congregation. The candidate must believe that God is the one who calls Pastors to shepherd his people (Jeremiah 3:15). Greater St. John is prayerfully seeking God’s choice for the position of our next Pastor. Our current Pastor Emeritus retired after 34 years of great leadership but came back to pastor the congregation until a new Pastor is selected. The candidate’s main responsibilities will be to communicate God’s word, attend to the spiritual needs of the members, and provide biblical leadership for the church.
The successful candidate must be an inspiring and challenging preacher and teacher with sermons that make the gospel relevant to the lives of individuals. The successful candidate must also be God-fearing, demonstrate an enthusiastic love for Christ, possess and apply a comprehensive knowledge of the bible, utilize the Baptist doctrine and provide leadership in developing a clearly defined vision and direction. The successful candidate will lead the congregation as we strive to attract new members, reach young people and young families.
Pastor Duties and Responsibilities
The Pastor shall:
Develop and deliver engaging, biblically, and theologically based sermons, as well as counsel the membership, take charge of the spiritual welfare of the congregation;
Direct the order of all worship services to ensure services are meaningful, accessible, and spiritually enriching;
Oversee and be responsible for ensuring that the Lord’s Supper/Communion is administered to the congregation and sick and shut-in members of the church and direct the Ordinance of Baptism;
Work with church leadership and staff to establish and execute a vision and plan for the church’s growth and relevant community outreach. This includes leading efforts to design, implement, and evaluate the most effective ministries that will achieve the vision of Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church;
Officiate weddings, funerals, memorial services, baby dedications, and any other services recognized by the church;
Serve as the spiritual and administrative leader of the church and work in a spirit of cooperation with the Deacons, Mothers, Trustees, and other ministries to meet the needs of the congregation, administration, and management of church operations;
Provide spiritual leadership and pastoral care to the congregation, which includes visiting the sick, counseling, and support during times of grief or other traumatic events; and
A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited or higher education and some seminary experiences are recommended, but not required. The candidate shall demonstrate the commitment to seek additional education and training.
The candidate must be a licensed and ordained Baptist minister in accordance with the Baptist doctrine.
The candidate must have a clear understanding of the Baptist doctrine and the Articles of Faith.
Greater St. John MB Church congregation seeks the following characteristics from a Pastor:
Devoted to wife (Titus1:6; 1 Tim 3:2 Eph. 5:2)
Submission (Titus 1:6; 1Tim 3:4-5)
Faithful Steward (Titus1:7)
Humble (Titus1:7)
Gentle (Titus1:7;1 Tim 3:3)
Sober (Titus1:7; 1Titus 3:3)
Peaceful (Titus1:7; 1Tim 3:30
Financial Integrity (Titus1:7; 1Tim 3:3; 1Peter 5:3)
Hospitable (Titus 1:8; 1Tim 3 ;2)
Lover of Good (Titus1:8; 1Tim 3:2)
Upright (Titus1:8)
Holy (Titus1:8)
Teach (Titus1:9; 1Tim 3:2)
Mature (1 Tim 3:6)
Respectable (1 Tim 3:7)
Must have at least 2-5 years or higher of ministry experience as an ordained Pastor or an Associate Minister.
Skills and Abilities:
Must have the ability to establish trust and credibility with GSJMBC members.
Must have administrative/leadership skills with the ability to manage the affairs of the congregational organization through planning, decision making, delegating, evaluating, and managing conflict and stress; should be capable of leading the church’s staff.
Must have demonstrated the ability to prepare and deliver biblically sound, stimulating, inspirational, and spirit -filled sermons with application to everyday life,
Must possess strong interpersonal skills and be approachable; demonstrate inclusiveness for all demographics within the congregation.
Must have excellent communication skills with the ability to connect with a diverse congregation.
Must have a good understanding of technology, including social media and virtual ministry operations.
Application Requirements and Process:
All interested and qualified persons must submit an initial candidate package consisting of the following information:
Completed Application
Cover letter
A statement of how you believe the church would benefit from your leadership and your vision for equipping GSJMBC to thrive through the advancement of our mission and your vision.
Current Pastoral resume
Official transcripts sent to:
Greater St. Missionary Baptist Church
Attn: Pastoral Search Committee
2200 26th Ave. North
Nashville, Tn 37208
Current photo of self/family
3 Letters of spiritual recommendation (at least two clergy and one lay person) with contact information (email address, and phone number).
Two 15-to-20-minute sermons preached within the last 6 months. Please provide a link to access sermons.
Provide any additional information you want to share with the Pastoral Search Committee.
The Greater St. John Pastoral Search Committee will acknowledge the receipt of all submitted applications. All information received will be treated confidentially.
If you have any further questions, please email
Final candidates will be notified and asked to provide additional information later in the selection process.
May the blessings and covering of God be with you!