Before Jesus parted from the Earth, he left his ministry in the hands of his followers, giving them one command: Go and make disciples of all nations.
As believers, we want to be mature and faithful followers of Jesus who not only know God but make Him known because abundant life is rooted in Him. This is the journey of discipleship..
And it’s one that comes to life in the company of others. Learning and community are inseparable; they nourish and fortify one another. True, deep spiritual communion happens around the centrality of studying God’s word, and the life transformation that springs from the study of God’s word happens best in community.
Bible Studies are hosted for all ages throughout the year. While their focus is on learning, it is within an active learning environment that relies on group discussion and class participation.
And it’s one that comes to life in the company of others. Learning and community are inseparable; they nourish and fortify one another. True, deep spiritual communion happens around the centrality of studying God’s word, and the life transformation that springs from the study of God’s word happens best in community.
Why (and How) We Study
The word of God is living and active, pointing us to what God’s Kingdom looks like. We believe that it’s important that we, as a church body, are engaged in it at a deep level on a regular basis beyond Sundays.
Discipleship is the heartbeat of every area of ministry at GSJ Nashville. Listed below are additional discipleship spaces to help you continue the lifelong journey of knowing God and making Him known.
Sunday Gatherings
Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us not to neglect to gather together but to do so regularly to “stir up one another to love and good works.” In our gathering, we worship with songs that declare God as our King, reminding us Whose we are. We study scripture, exploring its context and connections, inviting it to mold our outlook to reflect Christ’s. We practice spiritual disciplines like prayer and communion that nourish our souls. And we catch a glimpse of the hope and love of God’s diverse Kingdom as we enjoy one another in ordinary moments of conversation.
Counseling & Recovery
We want GSJ Nashville to be a community where people feel safe to admit their struggles and encounter the gospel. God deeply desires us to experience freedom, using it to love and serve one another without fear or manipulation (Galatians 5). Transformation to living freely happens when the gospel informs our identity, redeeming even the darkest, most brutal aspects of our lives through the power of his Spirit and a supportive, biblical community. Recovery Groups and counseling can help you learn how to practically apply the gospel to the areas of your life where you experience struggle with addiction, abuse, loss, trauma, or hurt.
Leadership Opportunities
We aspire to grow leaders at GSJ Nashville—those who will guide others on their journey, and can say: “Follow me, as I follow Christ”. There are several ways to grow in leadership at GSJ Nashville, but some of our key avenues include participating in an internship, becoming a Deacon, or going through our Eldership process.