We recognize that there are many different ways that baptism has been administered throughout the centuries and that a range of perspectives exist on it within the global Church. While we respect a variety of differing opinions, we affirm and hold to these essentials about baptism.
We believe that Jesus established and endorsed baptism for his followers, leading the way for all his disciples to follow in his example.
We believe that baptism is for believers who have already repented and have placed their faith in Christ.
We believe that baptism is much more than just a religious ritual. It’s a unique action by which believers can express their sincere trust in Christ. In essence, baptism is a way of going public with your desire and commitment to follow him by faith.
We believe that baptism is a powerful symbol of death and resurrection.
We believe that followers of Jesus should be baptized by immersion in water.
Following Jesus' Example
Baptism is not just some random or flippant church tradition, but it was established and ordained by Jesus to be a sacred sign of the covenant relationship between him and his followers. Jesus set the example for us by being baptized by his cousin John the Baptist and he commands the church to baptize new disciples (Matthew 3:16-18; 28:19-20). After Jesus’ ascension, the Apostles continued preaching about the expectation of baptism for those coming into the faith (Acts 2:38-39, 10:47-48).
The Greater Narrative
In the beginning, God created humanity with the ability to have an intimate friendship with God. As the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, His rightful place in our lives is to be seated on the throne of our hearts. In this, we find great delight. However, humanity chose to do things our own way. We sinned against God. Rather than acknowledge Him as the king, we decided to separate ourselves from God. Because of sin, we faced an eternity condemned without Him.
The story could have ended with our separation from God, destined for an eternity of darkness. But God didn’t allow the story to end there. Motivated by His great love for us, He orchestrated a plan by which humanity could be rescued and reunited with Him. Through genuine faith in His son, Jesus, we can be restored back to our original purpose of having an intimate friendship with God.
Within baptism, there is an illustration of this wondrous story.
First and foremost, it symbolizes the death of several things: the death of our will to do things our own way, the death of our old life of unbelief, and the death of our desire to be our own king. In the imagery of baptism, the believer is brought to death.
Baptism is also a symbol of life. It signifies the resurrection of Christ in our lives and the birth of the new life that we now have in him. In the imagery of baptism, the believer is brought back from the dead with Christ. This is explicitly taught in Romans.